About Me

About Jarkko Haarla
(AKA <haarla.dev>)

Black and white picture of Jarkko Haarla
Hi, I'm Jarkko Haarla

I am a Web Developer with an extensive background in graphic design, facilitating the presentation of web sites and apps to a wide range of audiences. As a recent graduate of the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp at UNC Charlotte, I have and continue to add to my skill set with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, React, MongoDB and several other web technologies. Throughout my career I have continued to constantly learn and evolve with modern trends. Web development is very similar in this respect and I am looking forward to working collaboratively with a like-minded team to create ideal results for user and technology-centered designs through creative problem solving.


Here are some of my recent projects


Custom Corner

Custom Corner is a MERN stack app developed for an interior design client. The app pulls information from multiple different vendor sites and presents everything in an easy to use interface. The user can also share the collection of items on Pinterest to share with their client. The code for this project is proprietary and new user accounts cannot be created from the web. A demo site is linked below to demonstrate the app's functionality.


WhatsCHAT is a group messaging app. Anyone can join in this chatroom and chat away with people from all around the world. Updates are delivered to each user in real-time via socket.io. All users can see how many people are currently connected and who is actively typing. Go have a chat with someone you don't know!!

House Party

If you're not sure what to mix up drink or music-wise, we're here to help. Punch in the name of your favorite cocktail or grab a random one if you're feeling adventurous and we'll show you how to mix it up. You'll be sure to find a new favorite or two!

Once you have a beverage in hand, you'll need some tunes to get the party going. You can search for a playlist by artist or genre. Either way, we'll give you a few options to choose from to kick start your House Party!


Crystal Collector

jQuery / DOM manipulation

Crystal Collector

Crystal Collector is a fun number matching game on the outside. Behind the scenes, it is a study in DOM manipulation, random number generation, how to leverage looping to write cleaner code, and "this." So much "this." Can you come up with a winning strategy?

It's GIFtastic!

API calls / Bootstrap

It's GIFtastic!

This fun GIF viewer has quite a bit going on under it's plain-jane hood. API calls with it's returned data manipulated into what shows on screen. Dynamically - with jQuery/JavaScript. Fun project that lead to a fun page to play with. Check it out!


node.js CLI app


LIRI Bot is a node.js CLI app that fetches information about songs, concerts and movies. It uses several different APIs via axios. This is a relatively simple app to showcase my understanding of how to work with node.js and some of its commands. Unfortunately, since it is a CLI app, it will not run in the browser. You can head over to the GitHub repo to check out the code, though. There's also a video of LIRI Bot in action. Check it out!

Battle of the Brains

Timers / javaScript /
DOM manipulation

Battle of the Brains
For the public: fun trivia quiz.
For tech nerds: A study in timers with JavaScript. Lots of DOM manipulation via jQuery. Bootstrap for display & responsiveness.
Train Schedules

Firebase / Materialize.css

Train Schedules

Train Schedules is a study toward persistent data. This project uses Firebase to achieve persistent data storage across devices. Outside of persistent data, there is quite a bit of data validation happening behind the scenes as well. I also took this opportunity to experiment with a different CSS framework - Materialize.


node.js CLI app


Bamazon is a node.js CLI app that mimics an online store. MySQL is doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes for this project. There are two different views with different functionality - Customer and Manager. Check out the GitHub page for more information and a demo!

Friend Finder

node.js / Express.js

Friend Finder
Friend Finder is a friend matching app. Answer some basic questions and we'll find the best friend match for you! No more meeting people IRL. This project is an exercise in learning node.js and express to talk between the front and back end. Give it a whirl and see who you get matched up with!
So Many Burgers

node.js / Express.js / mySQL

So Many Burgers

So Many Burgers is a simple "restaurant" app. You can create burgers, eat them & then throw your trash away. This project show the basic full-stack CRUD operations in action realized with node.js, express, handlebars and custom controllers/orm to handle user actions. Check it out!

Game of Clicks


Game of Clicks

Game of Clicks is a memory game built with React. See if you can score a perfect gaem! How good is your memory?


My professional experience

Here is a quick overview of the technologies and software I use to create things. This is not an all-inclusive list but does cover the basics. I am constantly learning new things on both web development and graphic design fronts. I am comfotable working in a Windows or macOS environment and working towards being more proficient in a Linux environment as well.

Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Premier Pro
Adobe After Effects

Jarkko Haarla Resumé


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